Ecstatic Dance
Sunday 4th of June 17.30-19.00
GAIA DOME -Healing Fields

A unique dance experience, guided by music and sounds. We go on exploration, dare to be vulnerable and gently push our boundaries.
There are three simple basic guidelines to ED: "No shoes. No booze. No chit chat." So we come together connecting our bare feet to the earth, purely communicating through our bodies, and celebrating life in all its aspects!
We welcome you exactly as you are now! So you are entirely free to follow your own needs during the dance.
Each ED starts and ends with a ceremony in which we make time and space to connect with ourselves, the others, the space, the vibrations, our intentions and the larger ED tribe. This opening is guided and leads you into the dance.
Your Facilitator
Tom has been organizing Ecstatic Dance events since the last year and a half in different places in Malta. With a background as a DJ and being a ecstatic dancer in Belgium, he felt the calling to bring this vibe and experience to this beautiful island.