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The Golden Sword - A Path back to Power

Saturday 3rd of June 19.30-21.00

GAIA DOME -Healing Fields



Healing Fields (Instagram Post (Square)) (14).png


The golden sword.


Step into a field of magic and learn a powerful tool to end your inner mental terrorism. Understand that the power to change your state of being is always in your hands. Pick up your golden sword and receive a mystic tool to cut and recycle your inner war. It is time to learn how to protect yourself - first and foremost from yourself.


This field is not based on mental concepts. This field is based on a science of transformation that moves into your cells through movement, breath, magic and the depth of your innocent heart.

Your Facilitator 


Dara Shaa is a Modern Mystic Arts Practitioner in Training.

The method is based on the Modern Mystic Keys& Rituals - a progressive new form of education Created by Itay Ganot - the founder of Modern Mystic Arts.


Over the past 10+ years Dara has held many transformational spaces all over the world and with an unquenchable thirst for knowledge explored the far corners of the self development universe. From meditation to sexuality, breath work, yoga to quantum physics.

However the work of Itay Ganot has brought a complete shift to her exploration and offers a new, necessary kind of magic - something you must touch to understand.

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